Saturday, March 31, 2007

Where have all the bees gone?


Bee keepers across the United States are fearful for their livelihood as well as the environment. Millions of bees have disappeared and are assumed to have died. Their numbers rank in the millions. Bee keepers have opened their hives only to find them empty. Honey and combs are there, but no bees.

Past die-offs had been attributed to numerous diseases and things such as bee mites. (The Little Portion Friary on Long Island NY has allowed a beekeeper to maintain a couple of hives for several years. This is the first time in three years that they have restocked the hives, having had a bee mite problem several years ago). Mites, however. are usually a local phenomenon and restricted to an area geographically.

Beekeepers are calling it CCD (colony collapse disorder). It is unknown what the real cause is. Suggestions have ranged from the over use of pesticides that disorient insects to bees obtaining pollen from genetically altered plants. Whatever the cause, it is a major concern. The humble honey bee is the cornerstone for most of what we consume. It pollinates every plant fruit and vegetable. Milk and beef come from cows which eat grain that is pollinated by the honey bee...
Albert Einstein was quoted as saying that if bees were to disappear, man would only have a few years to live.”
(CELCIAS 02-27-07)
NOTE:This quote which has been attributed to Einstein may be an apocryphal one. See the story on line at: SNOPES.COM.

COMMENT: It is time that we take a closer look at genetically altered foods and what type of pesticides we use. Everything we do has an effect on something else...

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