Saturday, June 20, 2009

Pay it Forward

Wouldn't it be great if the government gave tuition credits and money towards education for service to mankind, they way they do for service to the military? Volunteer with the Peace Corps, VISTA, AmeriCorps etc and earn money towards your education...

"Wouldn't it be great if churches had all the money they needed, and the military had to hold a bake sale?"

Photo from

Wednesday, June 6, 2007


I recently returned from a trip to Bermuda with my wife for our 25th wedding anniversary. We had the opportunity to SNUBA dive (a combination of snorkeling and SCUBA diving where the tank is on the surface instead of your back).

Several things occurred to me. The first was that I was awe struck at the sheer beauty of the coral reef and the life that surrounds it. I was reminded of what wonders God has created in every corner of the earth, many of which we have to seek out to enjoy.

We were also reminded of the fragile nature of the reef and how we had to be careful not to damage the coral. We were also told how global warming was DEFINITELY having a negative effect on the reef system. The earth operates on a symbiotic system. What we do has ripple effects on everything else. It was a dual lesson. The beauty that God has created and how man, in may respects has carelessly damaged those things.

We must be more cognizant of what we do and how it affects the environment.

From the Book of Common Prayer:

For Knowledge of God's Creation
Almighty and everlasting God, you made the universe with all its marvelous order, its atoms, worlds, and galaxies, and the infinite complexity of living creatures: Grant that, as we probe the mysteries of your creation, we may come to know you more truly, and more surely fulfill our role in your eternal purpose; in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For the Conservation of Natural Resources
Almighty God, in giving us dominion over things on earth, you made us fellow workers in your creation: Give us wisdom and reverence so to use the resources of nature, that no one may suffer from our abuse of them, and that generations yet to come may continue to praise you for your bounty; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007


There is a independent film/documentary about The Grande Chartreuse which is the mother house of the Carthusian Order, a contemplative order that is based in the French Alps. The film took 21 years from conception until it was finished. With little dialog it leads one through the solitary everyday life of these Catholic monks. I have not yet seen the film, but understand it is awe inspiring.

A preview is available by clicking on the link:

The Carthusian Monks and Nuns web site is:

Sunday, April 29, 2007


I attended a Mass for Volunteer Appreciation Day at the St Francis Inn in Kensington today with my daughter. What a wonderful event. It seemed almost ludicrous that they are appreciating us. It is such a blessing to be able to volunteer there and be able for a few hours to live the Gospel the way these brothers and sisters live it every single day.

As part of the Mass they sang a hymn (#518) from the Hymnal "Gather". It was called, "We are Called". What a Franciscan Hymn! It is:

We Are Called

1. Come! Live in the light!
Shine with the joy and the love of the Lord!
We are called to be light for the Kingdom,
to live in the freedom of the city of God!

Refrain: We are called to act with justice,
we are called to love tenderly,
we are called to serve one another;
to walk humbly with God!

2. Come! Open your heart!
Show Your mercy to all those in fear!
We are called to be hope for the hopeless
so all hatred and blindness will be no more!
3. Sing! Sing a new song!
Sing of that great day when all will be one!
God will reign, and we'll walk with each other
as sisters and brothers united in love!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

A Reminder from God

Today is Earth Day. So it was with some interest that I read the psalm appointed for Morning Prayer this morning. It was Psalm 148.

Psalm 148

1 Hallelujah!
Praise the Lord from the heavens; *
praise him in the heights.
2 Praise him, all you angels of his; *
praise him, all his host.
3 Praise him, sun and moon; *
praise him, all you shining stars.
4 Praise him, heaven of heavens, *
and you waters above the heavens.
5 Let them praise the Name of the Lord; *
for he commanded, and they were created.
6 He made them stand fast for ever and ever; *
he gave them a law which shall not pass away.
7 Praise the Lord from the earth, *
you sea-monsters and all deeps;
8 Fire and hail, snow and fog, *
tempestuous wind, doing his will;
9 Mountains and all hills, *
fruit trees and all cedars;
10 Wild beasts and all cattle, *
creeping things and wingèd birds;
11 Kings of the earth and all peoples, *
princes and all rulers of the world;
12 Young men and maidens, *
old and young together.
13 Let them praise the Name of the Lord, *
for his Name only is exalted,
his splendor is over earth and heaven.
14 He has raised up strength for his people
and praise for all his loyal servants, *
the children of Israel, a people who are near him.

Prayer For the Conservation of Natural Resources

Almighty God, in giving us dominion over things on earth, you made us fellow workers in your creation: Give us wisdom and reverence so to use the resources of nature, that no one may suffer from our abuse of them, and that generations yet to come may continue to praise you for your bounty; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

-Book of Common Prayer

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Nature And Your Health

An article posted on the Why Files web site from the University of Wisconsin talks about evidence that the more time you spend out in "nature" the better your health will be. It cites examples such as the ability to lower the blood pressure and heart rate of healthy people and lowering stress after a medical procedure, all by being "exposed" to nature. That is reportedly best done by being out in a natural environment. Taking a hike in the woods, a walk down the beach, going fishing, doing gardening, going camping etc. are all examples. But the study cited viewing videos or photographs of nature as working nearly as well.

I guess being in the "thinner places" is not only good for our spirit but for our body as well. Get out there and enjoy God's wonderful creations and learn to live longer and happier.

Peace and all good.

Thursday, April 19, 2007


rancis was known for his love of animals. One of the most famous stories involves Francis and the wolf of Gubbio. The wolf was terrorizing the town of Gubbio eating both animals and people. Francis against the warnings of the towns people went out and spoke with the wolf. Francis met him and addressed him as brother wolf. The wolf laid its head in Francis' lap. He told the wolf that the people of the town would not harm him if the wolf would stop terrorizing the town. "All past crimes are forgiven" Francis said. Francis and the wolf went to Gubbio and a pact was made that if they fed the wolf the wolf would live peacefully among the people.

That famous story immediately came to mind when I saw an advertisement for a new show. The Animal Planet cable TV channel has a new show called "Divine Canine". The show is a dog obedience show that has a group of monastic brothers from The Monks of New Skete showing how they put their unique methods of dog obedience to use with their German Shepherds. Although the monks are not Franciscan (they are Eastern Orthodox) they certainly appear to have a Franciscan spirit regarding their love and training of animals.

Check you local TV listings or click on the ANIMAL PLANET link for the show schedule.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Into your hands, O merciful Savior, we commend your servants. Acknowledge, we humbly beseech you, sheep of your own fold, lambs of your own flock, sinners of your own redeeming. Receive them into the arms of your mercy, into the blessed rest of everlasting peace, and into the glorious company of the saints in light. Amen.

May their soul and the souls of all the departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

-Book of Common Prayer

Friday, April 13, 2007

Images and Copyright

I have made every effort to insure that images and information displayed on this blog are not under copyright, and that I have the freedom to use them. Please EMAIL me if you believe an image was used that was copyright protected. Information that was quoted has a link to the original source.

Scientists playing god?

s creating a human heart valve from stem cells playing God, or using what God has given us to learn, grow and help each other? The British newspaper The Guardian Unlimited reported that British Scientists had grown tissue the same way that human heart valves are created. They report that this is a major step toward creating replacement tissue for damaged hearts.

So, is this the first step in cloning humans, flirting with disaster and playing God? Or is this a first step in taking the skills that God has instilled in humans to the level where we help others to an extent not possible before? The debate has cropped up before with the invention of the artificial heart,
fertilization of human egg cells, and genetically altered food. Some of these are considered to be common place now, but were controversial years ago.

Are the bees disappearing because of genetically altered food, or because they were not native to North America in the first place but brought here by early settlers? Do the medical improvements that man creates improve the quality of life or extend human's lives past where they were ever intended to go? Are we exhausting the earth's resources because we have improved the quality and quantity of human life?

As we use God's gifts to improve our lives we must use the same gifts to look after the environment and examine ways to have humans, animals, and natural resources work symbiotically.

Monday, April 9, 2007


A partnership has been formed between the Epsicopal Church and the One campaign to end hunger. FROM THE EPISCOPAL PUBLIC POLICY NETWORK website:

Sign the pledge and register to be a ONE Episcopalian. When you register you will be sent to the ONE Campaign to sign their pledge as well.

WE BELIEVE that in the best American tradition of helping others help themselves, now is the time to join with other countries in a historic pact for compassion and justice to help the poorest people of the world overcome AIDS and extreme poverty.

that a pact including such measures as fair trade, debt relief, fighting corruption and directing additional resources for basic needs education, health, clean water, food, and care for orphans would transform the futures and hopes of an entire generation in the poorest countries, at a cost equal to just one percent more of the US budget.

ourselves - one person, one voice, one vote at a time - to make a better, safer world for all.


Sunday, April 8, 2007


5 But the angel said to the women, ‘Do not be afraid; I know that you are looking for Jesus who was crucified. 6 He is not here; for he has been raised, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay. 7 Then go quickly and tell his disciples, “He has been raised from the dead, and indeed he is going ahead of you to Galilee; there you will see him.” This is my message for you.’
Matthew 28, 5-7