Friday, April 13, 2007

Scientists playing god?

s creating a human heart valve from stem cells playing God, or using what God has given us to learn, grow and help each other? The British newspaper The Guardian Unlimited reported that British Scientists had grown tissue the same way that human heart valves are created. They report that this is a major step toward creating replacement tissue for damaged hearts.

So, is this the first step in cloning humans, flirting with disaster and playing God? Or is this a first step in taking the skills that God has instilled in humans to the level where we help others to an extent not possible before? The debate has cropped up before with the invention of the artificial heart,
fertilization of human egg cells, and genetically altered food. Some of these are considered to be common place now, but were controversial years ago.

Are the bees disappearing because of genetically altered food, or because they were not native to North America in the first place but brought here by early settlers? Do the medical improvements that man creates improve the quality of life or extend human's lives past where they were ever intended to go? Are we exhausting the earth's resources because we have improved the quality and quantity of human life?

As we use God's gifts to improve our lives we must use the same gifts to look after the environment and examine ways to have humans, animals, and natural resources work symbiotically.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.