Sunday, April 1, 2007

Poor Nations Suffer as World Warms

An article from the NY Times by Andrew C. Revkinon April 1, 2007 spoke of the world's leading nations and how they have contributed the most to global warming.

They have, by their size and wealth, been the most likely to limit the consequences
of their damage to the environment within their own countries . A report is due next Friday from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change on the effects of global warming. “Like the sinking of the Titanic, catastrophes are not democratic,” said Henry Miller, a fellow with the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. “A much higher fraction of passengers from the cheaper decks were lost. We’ll see the same phenomenon with global warming.”

COMMENT: We live in a global society. This is demonstrated more and more every day. The conflicts, epidemics, politics and economics act and react with each country in time frames and manners that were inconceivable just a decade ago. It is time that we look out for each other...

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