Monday, April 2, 2007

Thinner Places

I know it is spring when the Vidalia onions, baseball season and fishing season all arrive. I will soon start backyard barbecues, going to the ballpark as well as fishing at the beach and in local streams. I frequently fish with my son. I have always felt closer to God when I was out in nature, whether it's standing in a stream, the surf or walking in the woods. The Celts called it the Thin Places.

Edward Sellner wrote
"The early Celts believed in "thin places": geographical locations...where a person experiences only a very thin divide between past, present, and future times; places where a person is somehow able, possibly only for a moment, to encounter a more ancient reality within present time; or places where perhaps only in a glance we are somehow transported..."

In simple terms the "Thin Places" are somewhere between here on earth and closer to God, to heaven. Not quite fully in one or the other but yet present in both. I picture standing on a mountain top with a fine mist. Close enough to feel God.

To me I feel at home and with God when it is just you, your thoughts, your God and things that God created. I remember after a stressful work week, standing in a stream with my rod catching nothing but grateful for the quiet and the serenity. It was so quiet that I could hear a noise that did not sound familiar. I eventually saw that it was two dragonflies banging into each other. I watched in wonder. What great things God has created.

May you all have time to relax, be with your God and be able to stand in a thinner place. On the way home listen to the ball game and have a burger with a Vidalia onion...

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